Every sock that we owned was pretty average.
So we set out on a path to design and produce the perfect pair.
Firstly, they had to fit perfectly, and outperform everything else out there.
So we spent 6 months working around the clock to manufacture form fitting, breathable COFFEE TECH TM fabric that doesn't slip, and endures more laundry cycles
than any other product.
Secondly, they had to look great, so our first prototype focused on a classic, 80's inspired retro stripe design. Then we added fresh, bold colors - flamingo orange, cactus green and berry red - to add to the flavor.

Thirdly, they had to do more to protect the planet than to harm it.
More and more of our customers are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact every day, and we are an integral part of that effort - to preserve the planet for the next generation.
As each pair of our socks are made with recycled plastic and coffee grounds, we're not adding to our already overflowing landfills and polluted oceans. Instead, we're able to replace products that would otherwise end up there
Tying to purchase more sustainably, and these hit the mark Sam Tenent, CA

Perfect fit, nice height on the calf and no slip at all -Cam Tiemey, DE

But one thing was more important to us than everything else.
Our socks have to make you feel special every time you put them on. Not only are they good for your body, they are good for your soul too.
How? We hand-stitch our favorite sayings to the base, as a reminder to live out your day with purpose and passion And we partner with creators who are spreading positivity in the world.
The end result is Inside Story. Ultra-soft and positive socks, made with 70% upcycled material.
Because your mindset matters.
Inside Story
TMOur team
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